There are many ways you can reduce your energy costs and build a solar panel system to reduce or eliminate your electricity bill. But if you decide not to do it yourself, there are many professionals out there who will do the job for you at an affordable price. Before the solar cells on your roof are even able to power your house, there are at least five main steps that have to take place and a lot of that is behind the scenes. To give you an idea of what to expect, we've outlined a short five-step plan for the most common solar installation procedure. Check out the reviews and votes on this link.
First, you must secure the proper permits - this includes a building permit in most jurisdictions and the electrical grid permission in your particular area. Next, you will need to connect the solar panel system to your existing electrical system. This will require a connection from the electrical distribution network and the electric utility's substation. Once the connection is made, you may begin the actual building process by contacting your local power company and scheduling an appointment to discuss your plans.
The next step in the solar panel installation process is the installation itself that is done by the Blue Raven Solar. You'll have to arrange for a contractor to come out and install everything for you including wiring and mounting brackets. If you have any questions or concerns about the installation or any aspect of the project, it would be wise to consult your contractor before proceeding. Although you may want to keep it as simple as possible, there is nothing wrong with having a contractor check your work to make sure everything is on schedule and that none of the pieces were incorrectly mounted.
Thirdly, once your solar panel installation has been completed, it's time to set up the electrical system to feed into your home. Some methods include having the new electrical wiring run directly to the house or having a transfer switch installed in order to feed the power from the solar array directly into your home's electrical system. Whichever method is used, it will be necessary to have an extension cord installed that will run between the direct-mounted solar panels to the house and the transfer switch. Once this has been done, you will be ready to begin using your new electric power source!
Although it's possible to complete these tasks on your own, chances are that you will want to hire a professional solar installer for this task. Many homeowners who are installing solar panels will hire an electrical contractor to oversee the entire project. It can be quite tricky to install the panels without hiring a professional, so you will likely need to do some research before deciding who to hire.
The most important factor when determining who you should hire to install solar panels for you is experience. You need to make sure that the person you are hiring has plenty of experience in solar panel installation. Also, it's a good idea to ask for references, especially if you are going to be hiring an electrician to oversee the entire project. No matter how experienced the solar panel installation installer is, it's still a good idea to have someone present during the installation to monitor them. This way, they can ensure that everything is running smoothly and that nothing on the roof is accidentally damaged. Explore more about solar at